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Smoke from Woolsey Fire over downtown Los Angeles

Smoke from Woolsey Fire over downtown Los Angeles
Smoke from Woolsey Fire over downtown Los Angeles
Smoke from Woolsey Fire over downtown Los Angeles

Yes, it really was that bad.


Politics in black and white

At Union Station in L.A.


Ohio River at flood stage in Cincinnati

UPDATE: I went back down Sunday (Feb. 25) when the river was a few feet higher -- just over 60 feet, the highest it had been since 1997. A couple pics: 

And the pics from six days earlier, President's Day: 

Took these Monday when the river was a couple feet over flood stage -- meaning some minor flooding. I've probably seen the river this high in my lifetime, but my life is long enough now that I can't quite remember it. Plenty of other folks were also in downtown Cincy and Covington taking pics.
